Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Brief Thoughts on Happiness.

It is a honest fact that every single human being on this planet truly wants to be happy. Some people may shrug off happiness or act like it isn't important, or that they prefer misery, they are all liars. Everyone really wants and is searching for happiness. Some people find it easily, some spend their whole lives looking for it and sadly some of those people may never find it. There is also a good amount of people out in the world that will have you believe that they have found happiness, when really they haven't at all.

That last group of people I think have merely been surrounded by things. Things that bring enjoyment. Enjoyment does not equal happiness, although it may disguise itself as that way. I enjoy a good number of things, none of which make me completely happy, these things that I enjoy really in the grand and eternal scheme of things mean nothing. No matter how much the world tries to convince me other-wise.

We are all meant to be happy, every single person on this earth. That doesn't mean we will be happy though. Like in everything we have to work for it. Happiness just doesn't come to you always. Maybe for some it does, for me it sure as heck doesn't, but that is what makes me appreciate it so much. Things that come hard or you have to work for always mean more than something that is handed to you on a silver plate.

So I say if you finally do find that something that brings you true and honest happiness, the kind where your not left thinking about what more you could have, but only of the blissful contentment that honest happiness brings then grab hold of that and never let it go. The problem is so many people do really get confused on what real happiness is, but I am certain that if it does bring you honest happiness, then it is a good thing for you and you should hold on tightly. Because some people may never find that happiness that you have, and maybe you won't find it again either. Anyways, that is my seemingly random and slightly lengthy "thought" on happiness, at least for now.

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Intro

I don't really know why I am starting this blog at the moment. I already have another one, although its all about upcoming films I think should be on every body's radar. This is going to be something entirely different for me, what exactly it will end up being I am still not 100 percent positive.

Whether I'll actually end up writing anything here that is of substance and that is also worth peoples time to take a minute out of their day to read...well that's also up in the air. I could end up writing a bunch of worthless drivel that never amounts up to anything except an incoherent mess. It is not my wish nor desire to write something like that, but if that's what ends up here then so be it, and I apologize profusely ahead of time.

What I do plan on writing about though could be a number of things, depending on the day, my mood, or what is happening out in the world we live. I intend to write my thoughts. Whether it be my thoughts on happiness, unhappiness. It could be my thoughts on the current headlines (although lets all hope I can stay clear of the nastiness known more commonly as politics) It could be my thoughts on life, after-life, love, heartbreak and everything in-between. I will also maybe write short stories and or poems. The point is, I will maybe write about anything and or everything. So you can see how this could either turn out to be something that could perhaps be worth yours and maybe somebody elses time or it could not at the same time. I don't know which it will be, and at this particular time and point, I don't really care. I just want to write, so that is what I am going to do.

Now you may be possibly wondering why the title of "...As It All Comes Crashing Down". And you have every right to be wondering that. The reason for the title is a two part. Part One: One of my all time favorite bands is called Thrice and they are unbelievably talented both musically and lyrically. They have a song titled "Paper Tigers" during which a line of lyric goes "listen for the sound as it all comes crashing down". I can't tell you exactly why but I have always loved that line, maybe it has something to do with part two. Part Two: I have and always have had struggles with depression. It is a clinical illness that sometimes isn't too fun, and sometimes it feels to me like everything is "crashing down" around me, even if maybe it isn't. So maybe I'll write a good number of things down as it all comes crashing down....that is part two.

I think that about does it for the introduction to this small page that is now imprinted into the world wide web, and hopefully it was enough to convince or trick you into looking in again at another time. What will be here awaiting next time, I don't even know. I only know that there will be something......