Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Brief Thoughts on Happiness.

It is a honest fact that every single human being on this planet truly wants to be happy. Some people may shrug off happiness or act like it isn't important, or that they prefer misery, they are all liars. Everyone really wants and is searching for happiness. Some people find it easily, some spend their whole lives looking for it and sadly some of those people may never find it. There is also a good amount of people out in the world that will have you believe that they have found happiness, when really they haven't at all.

That last group of people I think have merely been surrounded by things. Things that bring enjoyment. Enjoyment does not equal happiness, although it may disguise itself as that way. I enjoy a good number of things, none of which make me completely happy, these things that I enjoy really in the grand and eternal scheme of things mean nothing. No matter how much the world tries to convince me other-wise.

We are all meant to be happy, every single person on this earth. That doesn't mean we will be happy though. Like in everything we have to work for it. Happiness just doesn't come to you always. Maybe for some it does, for me it sure as heck doesn't, but that is what makes me appreciate it so much. Things that come hard or you have to work for always mean more than something that is handed to you on a silver plate.

So I say if you finally do find that something that brings you true and honest happiness, the kind where your not left thinking about what more you could have, but only of the blissful contentment that honest happiness brings then grab hold of that and never let it go. The problem is so many people do really get confused on what real happiness is, but I am certain that if it does bring you honest happiness, then it is a good thing for you and you should hold on tightly. Because some people may never find that happiness that you have, and maybe you won't find it again either. Anyways, that is my seemingly random and slightly lengthy "thought" on happiness, at least for now.


  1. seems like your on the right brainwave. This was my favorite movie on my mission. It was made originally (I believe) to teach the gospel in a very simple way to people who may not have a christian background (mostly people without a concept of God) speaking to them about something they do know and love; happiness. check it.


